Wichita's Best Specialized Bed Bug Exterminator

Company logo for Bedbuginator with a target on bedbugs; 943-2847 phone number; tag line

Ask Flint

How long does it take for bed bug to develop?

Dolores Ricker

Bed bugs secretive lifestyle makes detection difficult. Relatively few bed bugs start an infestation. In fact, if a male bed bug is the only hitchhiker, no infestation will develop. Only female bed bugs are able to lay eggs. A mated female can lay around 3 eggs a day if feeding is available, laying more than 300 eggs in her lifetime. Small white eggs are cemented to discrete surfaces, near a host, and hatch in about 10 days.

About The Author

Flint Hills, the owner, is a Wichita local raised resident who offers pest control for spiders, insects, rodents and bed bugs. We are a real family run business with great experience and knowledge. Unlike larger companies with answering machines, sales people and structured systems… being a family owned business, we keep it simple. When you call you talk to someone who picks up the phone personally and is a senior exterminator with immediate advice, skills and information. Read More »

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Very simple. Human blood. At first very few insects are present, feeding intermittently on the host and may not be noticed, but after some time, hundreds of eggs can be laid within 10 days, and within a month there will be a dangerous infestation.

From Overseas. Bed bugs have increased in America over the last few years due to international travels, importation of goods, and the fact that pest control measures no longer include the use of chemicals from the past that were effective but were outlawed due to their harmful effects on the environment . They have also developed resistance to many chemicals readily available to the public.