What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?
Bed Bugs are tiny, about as small as the width of a piece of thread. They can fit in the seam of a mattress or in between two nailed boards, underneath a carpet or in an air vent.
Below is a very bad infestation of Bed Bugs behind a desk.
Below is a micro infestation of bed bugs in a mattress. You can see just how tiny of a place they can fit.
And below is a microscopic blown up picture of what bed bugs look like…
Bed Bug Picture References..
- http://www.gricdeq.org/index.php/pesticide-control-office/training/integrated-pest-management-ipm/bed-bugs/control-part-2
- http://www.bed-bugs-handbook.com/killing-bedbugs.html
- http://sante.gouv.qc.ca/en/conseils-et-prevention/reconnaitre-les-punaises-de-lit-et-en-prevenir-l-infestation/
- https://www.thisoldhouse.com/ideas/bedbug-battlers-checklist