Steve Bonham
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Bed bugs can spread in so many ways it's hard to believe. Many people can get them from neighbors who have an infestation and set infested furniture out by the curb. The bed bugs can travel in the grass to nearby homes from the infested items. They can spread by hitchhiking on people clothing as well as items like purses and such. Places like malls and libraries have had to be shut down due to bed bug out breaks. One can get them by simple visiting a friend or a family member and sitting on a chair or couch that's infested. Another way a lot of people are becoming exposed to them is by staying in a hotel room that has them even for one night.
About a year. Bed bugs can live about a year usually and can live for months in a dormant state without even feeding.
From Overseas. Bed bugs have increased in America over the last few years due to international travels, importation of goods, and the fact that pest control measures no longer include the use of chemicals from the past that were effective but were outlawed due to their harmful effects on the environment . They have also developed resistance to many chemicals readily available to the public.